Opening hours
Floating in Water – A retrospective exhibition featuring works by Adolf Franken (1934–2024)
o January 30th, 2025, to February 16th, 2025
o Opening: January 30, 2025, at 5 p.m.
• Writing Workshop
Saved by Words
o February 16, 2025, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., part of the HfK Hochschultage
o Participation is free. Please register by Friday, February 14th, by email:
• Location
Partial Library for Art at the University of the Arts Bremen, Room 4.10.060, Am Speicher XI-8, 28217 Bremen
o Opening hours: Mon–Fri 10:a.m.–1 p.m. and 2 p.m.–5 p.m.
o Special hours during the HfK Hochschuktage February 15th and 16th, 2025.
A retrospective exhibition featuring works by Adolf Franken (1934–2024) –
artist, friend of the University of the Arts Bremen (HfK), and co-founder of the Dorothea and Adolf Franken Foundation for the Advancement of Art and Culture at the HfK Bremen.
Many individuals support the University of the Arts Bremen in a variety of ways. Almost ten years ago, a simple invitation to afternoon tea blossomed into a friendship rooted in genuine interest, shared joy in the arts, and personal exchange. Dorothea and Adolf Franken, deeply connected to literature and the arts and crafts respectively, made it their mission to support young artists on their journeys. To this end, they established the Dorothea and Adolf Franken Foundation, dedicated to promoting art and culture at the HfK Bremen by awarding scholarships in the Fine Arts programme.
The couple’s planned bequest foundation has so far received little attention at the HfK, as Dorothea and Adolf Franken, with their typically understated Nordic reserve, preferred to remain in the background as keenly interested guests at many HfK events.
In memory of Adolf Franken, who passed away in April 2024, and in recognition of Dorothea Franken’s continued commitment, the exhibition Floating in Water will showcase Adolf Franken’s artistic works from January 30th, 2025, to February 16th, 2025. In addition, a writing workshop, Saved by Words, led by Dr. Anette Naumann, will invite participants to engage with the exhibition and expand its narratives through their own creative contributions.
This retrospective exhibition is curated and organized by Luisa Eugeni and Aditi Chauhan, with support from Dorothea Franken and Jan Charzinski (State and University Library).