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Application period for the winter semester 2025/26 – Digital Media (B.A.): 1.2.–15.5.2025 – Digital Media (M.A.): 1.4.–31.5.2025 – Fine Arts (Diploma): 1.2.–15.4.2025 – Integrated Design (B.A.): 1.2.–30.4.2025 – Integrated Design (M.A.): 1.4.–15.5.2025 – Music: 1.3.–31.3.2025

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Friday | 24 May 2024 7 p.m.

Omaggio a Luigi Nono II (Conversation concert)

University of the Arts Bremen | Concert Hall (2.05)
Vergangene Veranstaltung

The composer Luigi Nono (1924-1990) was one of the defining figures of the post-war avant-garde. To mark the 100th anniversary of the Venetian composer's birth, the Atelier Neue Musik is dedicating two events to him with rarely performed live works for instruments and electronics that explore sounds in space in a special way. In the discussion concert, Italian flautist Roberto Fabbriciani will talk about his intensive collaboration with Nono.

An event in cooperation with the Deutsch-Italienische Gesellschaft Bremen e.V. and the HfK project "We Dig It! - Innovative teaching, learning, concert and exhibition spaces for art and music"


Detailed information about the concert can be found on the website

University of the Arts Bremen Dechanatstraße 13–15 28195 Bremen
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Concert hall at HfK Bremen, empty chairs, stage with red curtain.