Exhibition | Talk | Performance | Workshop
Sunday | 14 July 2024 11 a.m.

Patriarchat mit Todesfolge

Vergangene Veranstaltung
Mo–Sa, 11 a.m.–7 p.m.

Opening: Thursday 11 July, 6 p.m.

Gender-based violence is one of the most common human rights violations worldwide and the numbers continue to rise. In order to remedy these abuses, we need to know where they come from and where they extend to. The exhibition "Patriarchy with fatal consequences" by Louisa Victoria Clever, Integrated Design Master's student, is dedicated to this topic and includes an installation and a publication. The exhibition is complemented by speeches, performances and workshops that deal with patriarchal violence and femicide.

As part of the exhibition, a reading entitled "Reading together" will take place on Tuesday, 16 June 2024 at 7 p.m.

UMZU Papenstraße 6 28195 Bremen
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