Thursday | 2 May 2024 12:15 p.m.

THE C.A.T.E. Lunch Talk Series 4 / "Best German Book Design" & Tania Prill

University of the Arts Bremen | Library Art and Design (4.10.010)
Vergangene Veranstaltung

by Tania Prill & Andrea Rauschenbusch
HfK Library, Am Speicher XI 8, 4th floor

At the invitation of Jan Charzinski, Tania Prill will spontaneously comment on the award-winning books of the Most Beautiful German Books competition of the Stiftung Buchkunst, which are currently being exhibited in the HfK library.

Come by if you buy, design and love books.

No lunch this time, please.

The book talk will be held in German or, if desired, in English.

University of the Arts Bremen Am Speicher XI 8 28217 Bremen
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