Thursday | 18 January 2024

Bremen University Prize for Excellence in Teaching

The Senator for the Environment, Climate and Science is awarding the prize for the third time

The Senator for Environment, Climate and Science is awarding the Bremen University Prize for Excellence in Teaching for the third time.

 The prize is awarded for outstanding and innovative achievements in structural development, teaching and examination as well as counselling and support for students at a university in Bremen. The prize is divided into two categories. The state of Bremen provides a prize of 25,000 euros in the category "Curricular Innovations and Team Teaching" and a prize of 15,000 euros in the category "Teaching and Skills Transfer".

 The quality of teaching is a central feature of top universities. The prize is intended to emphasise the outstanding importance of university teaching for the academic community and at the same time create a career incentive to become even more involved in university teaching and to promote it beyond one's own sphere of activity.

The call for entries for the prize in the category "Curricular Innovations and Team Teaching" is aimed exclusively at working groups or organisational units at the four state universities in Bremen. The competition for the prize in the category "Teaching and Skills Transfer" is aimed exclusively at teaching staff at the four state universities in Bremen as individuals.

The prize money can be used freely for official purposes.

The application documents can be found here