Deutscher Fotobuchpreis for three HfK graduates
Three master's theses from the “HfK Studio Kultur und Identität” were honouredThree master's theses from the “HfK Studio Kultur und Identität” were honoured in the student thesis category at the Deutsche Fotobuchpreis (German prize for photo books)! Anja Segermann received a silver medal for her publication “Schichten” (layers) , the final thesis was supervised by Prof. Andrea Rauschenbusch and Prof. Peter Bialobrzeski. The photo book “Tierra Sin Agua” by Ana Rodríguez Heinlein, supervised by Prof. Andrea Rauschenbusch and Prof. Andrea Diefenbach , was awarded a bronze medal. Mirja Kuberka received a bronze medal for her final thesis “Die Kirche im Dorf” (the church in the village), also supervised by Prof. Andrea Rauschenbusch and Prof. Andrea Diefenbach. The award ceremony took place on November 25th as part of the international festival of photographic images in the Städtische Galerie at the Leere Beutel in Regensburg. The Deutsche Fotobuchpreis honours the best photo books in German-speaking countries in several categories.